Do you have the hots for a Taurus man in your life?
Are you desperate to get his attention and even worried that he may be drawn away from you into the arms of another woman?
Learning how to get a Taurus man to chase you can be quite easy once you understand his characteristics and what makes him tick!
There are a few things you need to know about this headstrong Taurus male whose sign is represented by the bull, which should give you an indication of how he views his place in the world.
Some women tend to think that playing “hard to get” games is the way to attract a man.
However, playing these kinds of games to try to get a Taurus man chasing after you will only make him lose interest.
How To Get a Guy To Chase You
The secret is to lure him in and get him insatiably interested in you by saying things that will captivate his attention.
According to the well-known relationship coach, Amy North, there is a special sequence of words she calls the “devotion sequence” that unlocks the hidden desires in a man’s mind and sparks attraction.
As Amy puts it, if a woman knows how to trigger the devotion sequence then she can literally have him chasing after her and begging for her attention.
This may just be the thing you need to open his heart and make him your own.
You can find out more about her methods in this short video in which Amy explains The Devotion Sequence here.
Continuing on, in this article, you are going to learn what you need to do to make that Taurus man chase you and try to make you his girl.
Five Tips That Will Make a Taurus Man Want To Chase You
Let Him Know You Like Him

If you really want to be chased by a Taurus man, make it obvious that you like him.
A Taurus man needs reassurance that you are interested in him before he feels he can make moves towards you. Let him see that you are available and that you will not act hard to get.
He wants to be sure that you want him and no one else.
It is also important to note that he dislikes someone who is out to play games with him and mess with his mind. Therefore, be straightforward when dealing with a Taurus guy you have a crush on.
See also: Make him miss you in five steps
Give Him Time
A Taurus man is usually not the type of guy who will see you and fall in love with you instantly. He is not just that spontaneous when it comes to choosing a lady.
If you want him to chase you, it is important that you give him time to decide that you are indeed a woman worth chasing after.
Therefore, giving him time is all about not rushing him or forcing him to make moves on you before he is actually ready and comfortable to do it.
However, you can certainly influence his mind subtly without him realizing it so he comes to the conclusion “all on his own” that he wants you. You can do this with the help of astrology.
Get Yourself Together

If you’re interested in getting with a Taurus guy for the long-term then it is important to know that, when it comes to a long-term relationship, Taurus guys only consider women who have their act together.
So, one simple way to get his attention and making him view you as a long-term prospect is by getting yourself together in all aspects of your life.
For instance, you should always make sure that you look beautiful, you are financially independent and know how to spend money well, and that your home is always tidy.
Taurus men also like to date women with who they can be proud to be seen in public.
So, he will not chase you if you look unkempt, or if he realizes that you spend your money recklessly.
It is important to note that first impressions count and the picture you paint in his mind during your early encounters are very important to your overall success with him.
See also: Get him to finally make a move on you with this simple trick
Understand His Character
While no two people are exactly the same, there certainly are characteristics and personality traits that are predictable depending on a person’s zodiac sign.
Understanding the unique aspects of a Taurus man’s mind, as an astrologer, Anna Kovach explains in her book, Taurus Man Secrets can help you to spark his attraction process and get him to chase you.
Through astrology, one can gain profoundly deep insights into exactly what makes a Taurus guy tick. How he thinks about love, romance, sex, and intimacy and exactly what you need to do to attract him to you.
Anna’s guide is a no-nonsense course that teaches women everything they need to know to attract a Taurus man and to get him to commit to her in a relationship. I reviewed her course here.
Use Your Feminine Charisma
Taurus men always gravitate towards feminine women. They like a girl who embraces her femininity through the way she dresses and how she behaves.
Therefore, to win his heart and make him chase after you, it is important that you present yourself to him in a way that will appeal to him.
You can do this by wearing clothes that accentuate your sexy curves, wearing makeup that brings out your beautiful facial features, and styling your hair in a sexy way.
However, remember that Taurus men like sexy and classy women, not slutty.
Even as you bring out the femininity in yourself, remember not to show too much skin.
Be sure to turn up your sex appeal by leaving something to his imagination.
Surprise Him
If you want to catch the eye of a Taurus man, entice him with surprises.
He is the kind of guy who appreciates any kind of luxury, and if you give him a gift that will make him know how much you value his taste for finer things, then it will bring you a step closer to winning his heart.
In other words, thoughtful gifts will make your Taurus guy feel loved and understood by you.
Additionally, if you really want to surprise him, it is important that you buy him a gift that he needs and not just one that is expensive.
In fact, you don’t even need to spend a lot of money. If your gift says that you’ve put some thought into it and taken the time to notice what he likes then he’ll love it.
See also: Getting a Taurus guy to commit to you
Cook For Him
If you know him fairly well and you’re comfortable with inviting him to your place then you can invite him around for a delicious home-cooked meal.
Taurus men are big foodies so if cooking or baking is your strong point then this is a great opportunity to dazzle him.
When you cook a meal for a guy it subconsciously shows your nurturing and caring side, which is very attractive to men.
Taurus men are also highly sensual, so cook something with strong aromas and tantalizing flavors.
If, however, cooking is not your strong point then inviting him to share a glass of wine and expensive chocolate with you will likely also be a well-received invitation.
Final Thoughts
A Taurus man can often be shy and uncertain about how he should approach you. So before he makes a move, he needs to be sure that you are interested in him.
To win the heart of a Taurus man, you need to behave in ways that will convince him to pursue you and demonstrate that you are indeed a woman worthy of him.
This short video by relationship expert, Amy North tells you how to capture his heart and make him want you.
If you’ve read this far then you’re pretty serious about learning how to make a Taurus man chase you and get his full attention. If you want to be able to say and do all the right things to make him fall for you then I may have the solution you need.
Dedicated astrologer, Anna Kovach shows you exactly how to get a Taurus man to pursue you to make you his girl forever in her controversial course, Taurus Men Secrets. See my review here to discover how it can help you win your man.
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Important Note That Could Bring Deep Love & Lasting Connection Into Your Life
Are you trying to win the affections of a Taurus man? Perhaps you’ve been dating a while, but now he seems to be pulling away?
Or perhaps you’re in a relationship with him, but the spark’s disappeared and now you feel worried he may have eyes for someone else? You may have already past this stage and been through a breakup, but now you desperately want him back.
If any of these situations speak to your soul, then don’t lose hope!
There’s a simple, but “hidden ingredient” to trigger the desire process in a guy’s mind that makes him crave you, and only you.
Sound far-fetched? It’s anything but...
This hidden ingredient is based on psychological principles, it’s just how a man’s mind works, yet most people don’t know it exists.
James Bauer, a leading and highly credible relationship coach explains how you can use these subtle, but powerful psychological principles to elicit strong feelings of attraction, love, even obsession in a man’s mind.
If you want to become the center of his universe, his everything, even his obsession, then this video may be the most vital one you ever see.