Want to know how to please a Taurus man sexually? You’ve come to the right place! In this article I will reveal all.
If you’ve recently started dating a guy born under the sign of the Bull you are now probably thinking of the next step, of how to sexually please a Taurus man in bed.
Alternatively, you may already be in a relationship with a Taurean man, but you want to discover exactly what makes him tick sexually so that you can bring him to new heights of pleasure and keep him happy between the sheets.
Taurus guys are known to be very sensual creatures and love anything that stimulates their senses.
As such, it is very important for their sex life to be an enriching, fulfilling, and highly sensual part of their relationship.
How To Please a Taurus Man In Bed
Taurus men are known to have a large sexual appetite. He craves the sensual things in life, and it is no difference when it comes to sex!
If you want to spice up your sex life with your Taurus man, the tips in this article will get his pulse racing for you in no time.
Having the right knowledge about his needs, desires, fantasies, turn on’s, turn off’s and overall expectations in the bedroom is essential.
Due to his highly sensual nature, Taurus men desire a lot of sensory stimulation. This includes a lot of physical contact to stimulate their sense of touch.
Also, visual stimulation will arouse the animalistic part of his brain and pleasant and pleasing aromas to excite his olfactory senses.
It’s not just about the act of sex for the Taurus male, every part of sensory stimulation comes into play.
This includes creating a romantic and relaxing atmosphere, sharing good food, and indulging in interesting conversation beforehand is all part of successfully seducing a Taurus guy.
It is also worth noting that Taurus men actually put their pleasure second. They go to great lengths to ensure that their partner is deeply satisfied sexually and fully enjoying the experience.
Although a Taurean is known to have a dominating nature, when it comes to the bedroom, this side of him is likely to manifest itself. Possibly in him dominating you with more pleasure than you can handle, which sometimes is not a bad thing!
So, without further ado, here are my top tips on how to satisfy your Taurus in bed.
How To Sexually Please a Taurus Man in Bed
Here are 8 sexy ways to please a Taurus man in bed. Taurus men respond strongly to thee methods, particularly number 2!
Be tactile
As mentioned previously, Taurean’s love to indulge their senses. So, having a good sense of touch is extremely important to a Taurus guy.
Lightly stroking and caressing his hand, arms, shoulders, and knees while talking is both calming and arousing for a Taurus guy.
Massage is also a great way to stimulate your Taurean lover’s senses and get him in the mood for sex.
Create a romantic atmosphere. Light a few scented candles, play some soft relaxing music, and get the temperature of the room just right to create the perfect atmosphere.
Being naked is the best for a sensual couples massage. If, however, you’re not quite comfortable being naked with him yet then keeping your underwear on is just fine to start with.
Using a little massage oil. Warm it in your hands and start by massaging his back, neck, and legs. Then, you can turn him over and do his front.
Remember, Taurean guys love to please their woman, so also allow him the pleasure to give you a massage as well.
Talk dirty to him
Many women often wonder why guys love dirty talk so much. Well, in a nutshell, it’s for several reasons. One, it massages their ego and makes them feel deeply desired by you.
Secondly, it conjures up a lot of sexual imagery and anticipation in their mind. Thirdly, dirty talk speaks directly to the primitive part of his mind which governs all his sexual impulses.
The majority of women feel shy about talking dirty to their men but there is help and advice available for this sometimes delicate situation.
Surveys have shown that women who know how to talk dirty properly and in a way that actually excites a man’s mind are far more likely to create long-term attraction in their partner and keep him from straying.
Although I’m not an expert at it yet, I would say I’m pretty good at it. If you want more tips on this, you can see my article on how to talk dirty here.
If you want to get the EXACT words and phrases that men love to hear that drive them wild as well as a step-by-step guide, then watch dirty talk expert, Felicity Keith’s video here.

Be confident
Confidence is very sexy to Taurus men and also an important ingredient to bring to the bedroom as it helps to limit self-inhibiting thoughts and insecurities.
So, the first step towards making your Taurus man happy between the sheets is by working on your self-confidence. Or take it up a few notches. Felicity Keith teaches self-confidence as part of her Language of Desire course here.
It might not be the easiest thing to do, but with time and practice, it is actually possible to overcome sexual shyness.
Nevertheless, boosting your self-confidence requires that you start loving your body, by initiating sex with your partner.
By giving orders to your Taurus lover, and being honest about your experiences with him in bed and what you want sexually.
Create a romantic Setting
Taurus men are very sensual and he loves to enjoy his lovemaking sessions in an environment that has the right mood.
So, to keep your Taurus lover in the mood for a romantic sexual experience, dim the lights, turn on some soothing music, and light some scented candles.
In addition, apart from wearing silk lingerie and making your body smell heavenly, silk beddings will certainly set the mood for your Taurus guy.
See also: What a Taurean guy is like in bed
Once you’ve gathered your confidence and set the mood, you’re now ready for foreplay.
It is important to note that Taurus men do not usually like making love without a good amount of foreplay first, especially oral sex.
Taureans are sensual creatures, and there’s not a more sensitive body part on a man than what you find between his legs. With the right oral techniques, you can send your Taurus man into sexual orbit.
When it comes to foreplay, Taurus guys love the sexual tension to build over time. It helps to elevate the sensual passion he loves to feel.
So, drive your Taurus man crazy by unlocking heightened pleasure and make him anticipate what’s to come.
Lots of oral sex, mutual masturbation, cuddling, kissing, massages, stroking, and kissing his neck can be a good way of making him relax and excite his senses.
Although Taurus guys love all kinds of foreplay, the thing that they absolutely love the most is good oral sex.
Unfortunately, surveys carried out by men’s magazines have found that most women only give average oral sex at best, even though most women think they’re actually good at it.
As embarrassing as it is to think your oral moves might not be up to par, it’s even worse to think that your partner has been faking it!
There are actually a few simple, but highly effective techniques that a woman can learn quickly to go from mediocre to the absolute best lover he’s ever had, as explained by sex instructor, Jack here.
Jack takes you through all the sexy tips and shows you exactly what you need to do to give your man the best oral sex of his life. You can quickly learn these sexy moves here.
Surprise him
Taurus men do not tend to be very imaginative in bed and often stick to positions they know.
However, since their desire is to make love often and regularly, it is important that you make it fun by introducing a variety of positions every now and then.
Although he won’t necessarily think of them himself, he will greatly appreciate your new introductions into your sex life.
In other words, you should keep your Taurus partner on his toes by thinking outside the box and suggesting new things to do in bed together.
Taurus men have great energy in bed, and your man will certainly be willing to get imaginative with you if you take the lead on this.
However, if you notice that he is not up for the challenge, let it go because forcing him will only ruin the mood for both of you.

Tell him what you like
Two positive traits of a Taurean man are his stamina in bed and his high desire to please his partner.
Therefore, let him know what you want him to do for you during your lovemaking sessions and tell him what turns you on.
As it is so important for him to feel like he is truly satisfying you, giving him some kind of verbal feedback of your enjoyment during your lovemaking will also be appreciated.
When you let him know how you want it, you will not have to keep reassuring him that he is doing it correctly because he will know what you want.
Compliment his efforts
Men love receiving compliments just as much as women. The same also goes for their sexual performance too.
In addition, Taurus men are very particular about pleasing and giving their women a great time in bed, and your man would really feel valued, wanted, and loved if you acknowledge his efforts.
Giving him a little ego massage from time to time by complimenting him on his sexual prowess will also make him feel good and want to please you all the more.
Final Thoughts
While Taurus guys can be great lovers, they can lack a little imagination when in the bedroom.
However, they will usually be very receptive to your suggestions to mix things up a little and try new things. Learning how to sexually please a man is all part of the fun of falling in love.
Taurus men are very sensual so anything you can do to stimulate his senses, including his sense of touch, taste, smell, sight and the words you use will greatly enhance the levels of pleasure you are able to take him to.
Sensual massage is always a big win for Taurus guys, with the added benefit that he will also want to give you a massage too!
Above all, the biggest erogenous zone of any man or woman is the brain, so being able to spark the animalistic nature in him and get his passion running into overdrive, learn how to talk dirty to him like a pro and you will ALWAYS be able to turn him on.
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Important Note That Could Bring Deep Love & Lasting Connection Into Your Life
Are you trying to win the affections of a Taurus man? Perhaps you’ve been dating a while, but now he seems to be pulling away?
Or perhaps you’re in a relationship with him, but the spark’s disappeared and now you feel worried he may have eyes for someone else? You may have already past this stage and been through a breakup, but now you desperately want him back.
If any of these situations speak to your soul, then don’t lose hope!
There’s a simple, but “hidden ingredient” to trigger the desire process in a guy’s mind that makes him crave you, and only you.
Sound far-fetched? It’s anything but...
This hidden ingredient is based on psychological principles, it’s just how a man’s mind works, yet most people don’t know it exists.
James Bauer, a leading and highly credible relationship coach explains how you can use these subtle, but powerful psychological principles to elicit strong feelings of attraction, love, even obsession in a man’s mind.
If you want to become the center of his universe, his everything, even his obsession, then this video may be the most vital one you ever see.