Taurus Man & Aquarius Woman Break Up

Last Updated on June 28, 2022

an Aquarius woman sitting back to back with a Taurus guy as they think about a breakup

Some may say that a breakup between a Taurus male and an Aquarius female is inevitable at some point.

This couple is not only prone to arguments, but they also have different perceptions on almost everything.

In addition, Taurean men love spending their time in the countryside, but Aquarian women tend to get excited by life in the city.

To have a successful union, this couple often needs to work really hard and compromise.

When friction has been building and communication breaks down then a breakup can be just around the corner. The first thing to do is to establish open and honest communication and be willing to really listen to each other.

One of the most effective ways to do this is by sending expertly crafted text messages to get your partner to open up again. This may sound too simple, but relationship expert Amy North has used this method with hundreds of her clients to help rebuild their relationship.

Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to work with Amy one on one. So she has started to teach people her methods online to reach more people and keep her costs low. You can find out more about getting the exact recovery text messages here.

If you are an Aquarius girl and you would like to figure out how a Taurus man behaves before a breakup and you would try to ensure that the relationship works out between you two, then this article is for you.

In this article, I will also share insights into how to try to prevent a breakup with your Taurus man, and win his heart so you can keep him for the long term.

How to Tell If a Taurus Man Is About to Break Up With You


He’s less physical

a man not looking happy with his girlfriend

The Taurus male Aquarius female couple in bed is very affectionate with one another.

Taurean men are known to be very physical and show love through sexual or physical contact with their partners.

They usually have a strong desire to please their partner and will often go the extra mile to ensure their satisfaction, especially when they have strong feelings for them.

So, if you are an Aquarian lady dating a Taurean guy, then the sex between the two of you is likely to often be quite steamy.

So, if your Taurus lover has not been giving you the sexual attention that he usually does, then it could be a sign of his loss of interest.

He never spends time with you

Aquarian women are very independent, however, they also want a shoulder to lean on occasionally. On the other hand, Taurus men are very dependable, caring and are always there for their women.

So, if your Taurean partner does not seem to care or want to be around you like he used to, then something is wrong. If he’s never available whenever you need him, beware.

Constant arguments

Taurus men are very sensitive, but they can also be critical of others. If your Taurean guy wants to break up with you, he is likely to criticize you or say mean things to annoy and push you away.

Therefore, if he has been engaging in endless arguments and criticizing you relentlessly every time you try to have a meaningful conversation with him, he could be getting fed up in the relationship.

How to Stop a Taurus Man from Breaking Up With You

Give him attention

Aquarian women are social by nature. They love spending their time in crowds, and have many friends around them.

On the other hand, Taurus men can be somewhat anti-social on occasion and they are not all that keen on being in crowds.

With that in mind, if you want to win the attention of your Taurus man and prevent him from ending the relationship, spending quality time together where it is just the two of you engaging with each other is very important.

See also: The no contact rule and Taurus man – does it work with him?

Accept him

Taurus men dislike change. They prefer to date a stable and predictable woman. What’s more, they love routine and rarely adapt easily to change.

On the other hand, Aquarius women thrive on lots of excitement, change, and adventure. With that in mind, learning to accept the personality of your Taurean lover is highly important.

Although you may perceive the routine-focused way of Taurean life as kind of dull, understanding that he hates inconsistency and change can help the two of you find a better balance.

Conversely, your Taurean lover also needs to understand that you actually thrive on excitement, adventure, and being social. So, the two of you need to accept these differences in each other and try to find a happy medium that pleases you both.

If you can find a nice balance here then it will help to prevent him from pulling away. Slowing down, stability, and routine are of the essence when dating a Taurus man.

Let him lead

Aquarian girls are independent in nature and never feel like they need a man in their life to feel secure and accomplished. On the other hand, Taurus men are dependable, committed, and loyal.

So, as an Aquarian female dating a Taurean male, it is important that you give your partner an opportunity to feel like he is the man. Allow him to take the dominant role from time to time.

a man and a woman making up on a beach at sunset

Related article: How a Taurus man feels after a breakup – will he come back?

How to Recover a Relationship with a Taurus Man & Make Him Want You


To rekindle your love, your Taurus guy needs to see that his Aquarian lady is willing to bend her rules and compromise with him.

For instance, if he wants to spend time indoors and you prefer to engage in some exciting and adventurous moments outside the home, you can perhaps strike a deal that the two of you go on an adventure outside together.

However, in the evening you will spend time with him at home, maybe cook him a meal and have a nice sensual evening together.

Learning to compromise will help the two of you to feel valued and respected and will go a long way in saving your relationship.

Related article: More ways to get him to want you back

Have hot sex

Taurus men love having sensual and intimate sex with their partners, so turning up the heat in the bedroom will definitely help to rekindle the flames of passion between the two of you.

Coming up with new sex ideas, games, and experiences that the two of you can enjoy together will help to bring the fun back into your relationship.

Taurus men love dirty talk so if you know how to talk to him in a way that excites the pleasure centers in his brain then you will be able to make him crave to be with you.

However, many women think they know what to say to a guy when talking dirty, but the reality is that men and women think differently about sex. You need to be able to use the exact words and phrases that turn him on and say them in a way that actually gets him hot for you.

If you want to know exactly how to talk dirty to a Taurus man then you can read my article here.

Buy him a gift

A nice way to show him that you still care and that you’re still wanting to make the relationship work is to buy him a meaningful gift that he will appreciate. A gift that shows you have put thought into getting him something that he will actually like will be even better.

Like anyone, Taurean men love receiving gifts. So, if you want to prove to your man that you love and adore him, a gift will speak volumes.

What’s more, when buying him a gift remember that he puts a high value on items of comfort. Therefore, some silk bed sheets or a luxurious monogrammed robe will certainly make his heart warm.

Final Thoughts

A relationship between a Taurus guy and an Aquarian lady is not traditionally thought of as a harmonious one. However, there are always other aspects of a person’s birth chart that influence the overall dynamics of a relationship and how the two people will ultimately connect.

Taking the time to understand and respect the differences that exist between the two of you is paramount. From here, you will be able to move forward more harmoniously.

Showing that you deeply care for your lover and making them feel valued in a relationship is always important to do. However, it must be done with sincerity and love.

Relationship expert, Amy North has helped thousands of people rekindle a relationship that is on the rocks or recover a broken one by doing exactly this.

Amy’s unique system starts with a few simple, but powerful text messages that make your lover feel deeply understood and connected to you.

From here, she then shows you ways you can continue to build the love and trust back into your relationship and restrengthen the bond that the two of you once had. Amy explains what you need to do here.

This article should have given you some pointers to work on, but if your situation has not been covered here, go to my website for more articles involving a relationship with a Taurus man https://taurusmen.net. I hope you find love and contentment.

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Important Note That Could Bring Deep Love & Lasting Connection Into Your Life

Are you trying to win the affections of a Taurus man? Perhaps you’ve been dating a while, but now he seems to be pulling away?

Or perhaps you’re in a relationship with him, but the spark’s disappeared and now you feel worried he may have eyes for someone else? You may have already past this stage and been through a breakup, but now you desperately want him back.

If any of these situations speak to your soul, then don’t lose hope!

There’s a simple, but “hidden ingredient” to trigger the desire process in a guy’s mind that makes him crave you, and only you.

Sound far-fetched? It’s anything but...

This hidden ingredient is based on psychological principles, it’s just how a man’s mind works, yet most people don’t know it exists.

James Bauer, a leading and highly credible relationship coach explains how you can use these subtle, but powerful psychological principles to elicit strong feelings of attraction, love, even obsession in a man’s mind.

If you want to become the center of his universe, his everything, even his obsession, then this video may be the most vital one you ever see.


Taurus Men