Pretty much every woman at some point dreams of getting a beautiful ring from the love of her life who will be by her side for the rest of her life.
It sounds like a fairytale and it’s totally understandable for you to secretly want to make your man hurry up on the proposing front.
Of course, marriage is not and should not be a casual thing. Decisions like this are a bit harder for most guys to make.
Luckily, a Taurus man is known for his devotion and loyalty, which is perfect husband material. He also values stability and traditional family values.
The only question is, how to make him yours?
If you are already dating, you are on the right track. However, bear in mind that when a Taurus guy chooses a partner he does it carefully. However, when he has made up his mind, he wants it to be for keeps.
Wanting him to marry you is perfectly understandable. After all, Taureans are usually great marriage material. So, here in this article are some tips that can help you in achieving your goal.
If I could offer you just one piece of advice above all else, it would be this: don’t rush your Taurus. He needs to feel like the decision is all his own without any interference or pressure from the outside.
He is, just like any other earth sign, very down to it, so he doesn’t like a sudden change in his life.
However, there are some clever ways to get him to want to commit to you and think that it’s all his idea in the process. You can find out more about this method devised by relationship astrologer, Anna Kovach in my article here.
So, bear in mind, he just wants to take things slow. You have plenty of time to show him who you are and what a great wife you can be.
If you know you Taurus man well, you should already know that it is hard to influence his opinions. But it’s not impossible, though, as Anna shows in her method.
In the meantime, here are six things you can do to get him to propose.
6 Ways To Get Your Taurus May To Marry You
Be gentle and romantic

When it comes to expressing emotions, Venus makes a Taurus guy enjoy hugs and cuddles, and he would love his future wife to shower him with emotions.
But don’t overdo it or express your emotions only to assure him that you are loving.
If you really want to make him marry you, you must love him, therefore the only thing you should do is to freely unleash your emotions and not hold them in.
He is a romantic type, so you can bring a little bit more romantic elements into your routine.
There all kinds of things that you could do.
Don’t pressure him
Taurus men hate being rushed into decisions so don’t pressure him into committing before he is ready.
He likes to take his time with all decisions, especially the big ones. And let’s face it, asking someone to marry them is one of the biggest decisions a man will make in his life.
You also need to be careful not to indirectly make him feel pressured. A Taurean is sensitive to being pressured and their stubborn nature will make him resist all the more. You are far more likely to get him to propose by allowing him the time and space to ask you.
However, there are a few things you can do to nudge min along in the right direction without him feeling pressured.
Relationship astrology, Anna Kovach has written an in-depth guide to getting a Taurus man to not only fall in love with you but also want to commit to you and a relationship.
Her book is extremely insightful. I reviewed it here for my readers. Take a look and decide for yourself if it will be of help to you.
Be a good housewife
Especially if you are in a relationship with a Taurus man for a long time, you know how sensual he is. the best thing you can do is to shake his senses up, by cooking him a good meal and keep the apartment clean.
If you live together, even better, because you will always be able to show how dedicated and stable you are.
Make everything cozy, light some candles that smell nice, and he will just feel so great around you and want to make it be like that for a long time.
Make your home look elegant because a Taurus guy has a sense of luxurious things. Because of his Venus, a Taurus is usually an art-lover. You can decorate your home with pieces of fine art.
Also, Taurus wants his wife to be attractive and care about her appearance, especially whenever she is in his company. Make him feel at home whenever when he’s with you.
Related article: Who is the best marriage match for a Taurus man?
Work as hard as he does
As a true earth sign, a Taurus man is materialistic and usually pursues money and success.
You must show him that you will not be a nuisance in his life, but a partner worth proposing to.
He needs a wife who will always be beside him, building a beautiful home and family.
He might be a bit stubborn as a person, but it is usually a good thing when comes to business. He really wouldn’t want a woman who is not as stable as he is.
See also: How to get your Taurus man to commit to you

Be grateful
He is a good listener, so he would love his wife to be the same.
Express that you care about his problems and always be there for him if he needs something
He is very masculine by nature, so make sure you show him that you notice how strong and reliable he is, no matter if it is physical or intellectual. Show him that you are truly grateful for having you in his life. He is direct, and he certainly doesn’t think it’s sufficient or cheesy.
Don’t overdo it, though. Just be natural, because he will sense if you are telling something just to make him feel better or make him love you more, and he will consider that as manipulation.
See also: All your Taurus really wants from you
Get close to his family
A home is where your family is, I would say. If you impress his parents and are invited to family gatherings, that means they really like you. Show your Taurus how well you get along with his family.
You can learn a lot about cooking and cleaning from his mother as well, so you can use it later. For example, you can find out how his mother makes his favorite meal, and ask her for a recipe
Apart from that, if he has siblings, you should get close to them.
You will already feel like a part of his family.
Final Thoughts
Remember, don’t force him to do anything or offer him ultimatums. If he really doesn’t feel ready for a marriage, just be patient.
If he is in a steady relationship with you already, he will feel when the right time is.
As a true family man, he will want to get married, because, for him, it will be the final step of your relationship and a very good foundation for building a stable home life.
If you want to subtly hurry him along without him feeling pressured, but instead lead him to the conclusion that committing to you is what he truly wants to do, then astrologer, Anna Kovach offers a guide on how to get him to commit here.
If you would like to know more about him, you can see the video below for insights into how he is in relationships.
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Important Note That Could Bring Deep Love & Lasting Connection Into Your Life
Are you trying to win the affections of a Taurus man? Perhaps you’ve been dating a while, but now he seems to be pulling away?
Or perhaps you’re in a relationship with him, but the spark’s disappeared and now you feel worried he may have eyes for someone else? You may have already past this stage and been through a breakup, but now you desperately want him back.
If any of these situations speak to your soul, then don’t lose hope!
There’s a simple, but “hidden ingredient” to trigger the desire process in a guy’s mind that makes him crave you, and only you.
Sound far-fetched? It’s anything but...
This hidden ingredient is based on psychological principles, it’s just how a man’s mind works, yet most people don’t know it exists.
James Bauer, a leading and highly credible relationship coach explains how you can use these subtle, but powerful psychological principles to elicit strong feelings of attraction, love, even obsession in a man’s mind.
If you want to become the center of his universe, his everything, even his obsession, then this video may be the most vital one you ever see.