Has a certain Taurus man caught your interest, but you’re not sure how to make him yours?
Do you now want to know how to seduce a Taurus man?
You may or may not be aware that there is a hidden desire more powerful than love. We all have it, and Taurus guys are no different.
While no two guys are exactly the same, they all have a predictable pattern for feeling states of attraction, fascination, lust, and love.
Imagine if you were able to grab hold of those desire states in a man and then focus them on you.
Well, you can…
Relationship expert, Amy North teaches women how to trigger a man’s desire process and make him insatiably attracted to her with a few simple, but powerful techniques.
When you learn this, seducing him, well, any man, becomes as easy as taking candy from a baby.
It all comes down to what Amy calls, the devotion sequence. This sequence ignites feelings of desire that are beyond love.
You can learn how to use the devotion sequence here and make him yours.
With that said, here are seven more tips and tricks you can use to seduce the man of your desires.
How To Seduce a Taurus Man – 7 Things That Will Make Him Want You
Here are 7 things you can do to seduce a Taurus man and make him hot for you.
Catch His Eye
As you may already know, men are visual and the first thing that will often draw any man to a woman is her physical appearance.
So, if you really want to catch the eye of a Taurus man, it is important that you always pay attention to how you look.
Looking good is all about wearing the right dresses that bring out your figure without looking slutty.
Accessorizing yourself, as well as wearing the perfume and shoes that relate to who you are as a person.
Additionally, you should always try to keep your hair neat and tidy, and some subtle makeup should also do the trick.
Basically, the secret is to make yourself look classy and attractive without looking false.
Be Confident
Taurus man admires confidence in a person. When it comes to a romantic interest, seeing that you have confidence will peak his interest and make him wonder if your confidence also extends to the bedroom.
He hopes it will..!
A Taurus man loves to be with a person who is bold enough to step into their own sexual power and be assertive.
One great way to go this with a Taurus man is to use sexually ambiguous words and phrases with a somewhat suggestive tone. Talking in this way to a Taurus guy will get his mind racing to fantasies of you and him together in more intimate ways.
If you want a step-by-step guide on exactly how to do this, then check out this video here now.
Be Touchy-Feely
Taurus is a highly sensual sigh. They respond to anything that tickles their senses. And because of this, Taurus man is especially responsive to touch.
So, playfully touch him on the shoulder or arm over conversation, find an excuse to touch his hand, or even momentarily place your hand on his knee while the two of you share a laugh.
All these things will arouse the interest of a Taurus man and bring you one step closer to seducing him.
Drop a Few Sexy Hints via Text
Flirting over text is a lot of fun, and it can be a great way to seduce a Taurus man.
Drop a few subtle, sexual innuendos into your texts to get his mind wondering.
Keep it fun and playful, but be suggestible with your messages. It’ll drive him crazy wondering if the sexual connotations in your text messages were intentional or accidental!
Show Your Independence
Taurus men are known to be very independent and they definitely would be attracted to an independent woman.
A Taurus man needs to see you as a woman who has the ability to look after herself financially before he can fall for you.
Men tend to be afraid of women who are gold diggers or women who drain them financially, and the Taurus man is no exception.
So, if you really want to win the heart of a Taurus man, it is important that you show him you have the ability to meet your own needs. Also that you are stable and well organized.
Related article: How to attract a Taurus guy quickly
Seduce him through his stomach
The adage “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach” is quite popular. The Taurus man loves great food and he would like to be in a relationship with a woman who not only likes cooking but also cooks great food.
So, it would be a good idea if you drop little hints and prove to him that you have the ability to cook. When you get the chance to serve him great food, he will definitely gravitate towards you.
However, do not concentrate so much on cooking for him that you forget to put into consideration all the other qualities that he admires.
See also: Buying the perfect gift for a Taurus
Be a good listener
Having great listening skills is a plus for you if you’re looking to win the heart of a Taurus man. Being a good listener is a sign that you not only care but also respect what the Taurus man has to say.
So, it is important that you show him that you have the ability to just sit and pay attention to what he is telling you.
He needs to know that you are patient enough to listen to him attentively without interrupting him or getting agitated.
See also: The text messages that attract a Taurus guy
Show him loyalty
Everybody admires a partner who is loyal and faithful, and Taurus man is no exception. When seducing a Taurus man, always ensure that you do not give him a reason to suspect you.
He can be very possessive and he needs to know that you are loyal to him and that you are not flirting with other men behind his back.
This will certainly bring out his jealous streak, and he will be hurt emotionally if he has made up his mind he wants you.
All he needs is constant reassurance and a lot of love and affection. Lying to your Taurus man will definitely make him pull away.
He may take his time getting to know you but when he does he wants to be a one-girl guy.
Talk Dirty To Him
For Taurus men, one of the biggest turn-on’s is when a woman can confidently surprise him with dirty talk.
Being able to talk dirty to a guy gives a woman tremendous power as it shows that she is comfortable and confident in her sexuality.
A woman who knows how to talk dirty to a guy in a way that actually stimulates the sexual arousal chemicals in his brain is hugely attractive to guys. It involuntarily causes him to think of his woman even when she is not around.
Unfortunately, many women don’t feel they have the confidence to be able to talk dirty to their man in a way that will get him hot for her. That’s why sex coach, Felicity Keith created a video to show women exactly how to do it.
You can watch Felicity’s dirty talk video here.
Shower Him With Compliments
Who doesn’t love a compliment now and again?
Well, Taurus man loves them!
Give his ego a massage and he’ll certainly warm up to you pretty quickly.
Telling him his hair looks nice, or you like the scent of his aftershave are fine to say. But it will have a far bigger impact to compliment on qualities of his persona, personality, and character.
For example, tell him you like his energy, or you admire the way he carries himself. if you’re feeling confident, then you can even tell him how hot his manliness makes you feel.
Set The Mood With Candles and Music
As I mentioned earlier, Taurus man is a sensual creature. He loves anything that will tantalize his senses!
So, get the mood just right with some scented candles, low-level, sexy lighting, and soft music.
Focus on Foreplay
Taurus man loves foreplay, but start off slow and allow the anticipation to build.
Soft, gentle caresses, stroking, nibbling and licking are all great moves for a Taurus!
When it comes to foreplay, Taurus guys love the sexual tension to build over time. It helps to elevate the sensual passion he loves to feel.
So, drive your Taurus man crazy by unlocking heightened pleasure and make him anticipate what’s to come.
Lots of oral sex, mutual masturbation, cuddling, kissing, massages, stroking, and kissing his neck can be a good way of making him relax and excite his senses.
Although Taurus guys love all kinds of foreplay, the thing that they absolutely love the most is good oral sex.
Taureans are sensual creatures, and there’s not a more sensitive body part on a man than what you find between his legs. With the right oral techniques, you can send your Taurus man into sexual orbit.
Unfortunately, surveys carried out by men’s magazines have found that most women only give average oral sex at best, even though most women think they’re actually good at it.
As embarrassing as it is to think your oral moves might not be up to par, it’s even worse to think that your partner has been faking it!
There are actually a few simple, but highly effective techniques that a woman can learn quickly to go from mediocre to the absolute best lover he’s ever had, as explained by sex instructor, Jack here.
Jack takes you through all the sexy tips and shows you exactly what you need to do to give your man the best oral sex of his life. You can quickly learn these sexy moves here.
Be patient
My guess is that you have heard of the adage “Patience is a virtue”. Well, Taurus men are known to dislike women who are demanding and impatient.
If you really want a Taurus man you have a crush on you, it is important that you prove to him that you have the ability to take things slowly.
See also: The signs that show a Taurus man likes you
Final Thoughts
Seducing a Taurus man can seem like a daunting task at first, but getting to understand what he likes and dislikes in a woman can make it very enjoyable.
Learning how to trigger his internal desire processes and focusing them on you is the key to seducing him and making him yours.
You can learn exactly how to get the attraction chemicals firing in his brain from Amy North here.
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Important Note That Could Bring Deep Love & Lasting Connection Into Your Life
Are you trying to win the affections of a Taurus man? Perhaps you’ve been dating a while, but now he seems to be pulling away?
Or perhaps you’re in a relationship with him, but the spark’s disappeared and now you feel worried he may have eyes for someone else? You may have already past this stage and been through a breakup, but now you desperately want him back.
If any of these situations speak to your soul, then don’t lose hope!
There’s a simple, but “hidden ingredient” to trigger the desire process in a guy’s mind that makes him crave you, and only you.
Sound far-fetched? It’s anything but...
This hidden ingredient is based on psychological principles, it’s just how a man’s mind works, yet most people don’t know it exists.
James Bauer, a leading and highly credible relationship coach explains how you can use these subtle, but powerful psychological principles to elicit strong feelings of attraction, love, even obsession in a man’s mind.
If you want to become the center of his universe, his everything, even his obsession, then this video may be the most vital one you ever see.